Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Well, life is starting to get some routine going for the first time in a long time. All because Mia is now off to 'school' three times a week for the morning. Now I have to be organised to drop her off at 8.30am - which means organising Mia and Joshka AND myself to be presentable by then, not something I've achieved for a long time! I remember when my mom was here last year she struggled a bit to find a system as to what was going on. She didn't know what followed what or when to do what, and I remember feeling frustrated that I couldn't explain - there was a kind of a metaphysical system going on, but it was hard to decipher and hard to explain. Now I'm back in the real world of routine and getting dressed and fed by a certain time - I tell you what though, 'Kanga' achieves a lot more than 'Mommy' ever did. Piglet is very agreeable to anything Kanga says, and will gladly eat porridge, brush hair, clean teeth, go to the toilet, get dressed, fetch her school bag and lunchbox and waterbottle...only the finding-of-shoes was a problem this morning. Of course it helps that 'Roo' wakes up at 6 and is therefore changed and fed(milk) by the time Piglet gets up at BANG-ON-7am.

As Christopher Robin (Ben) is at work again, Kanga is back in favour - almost an overload of affection and love coming my way at the moment. I made the most of the situation last night by getting to wash Mia's hair in the bath - Piglet obediently and happily reclined so Kanga could wash her hair, and condition it, for good measure.

Being out the door and walking along the street, pushing a pram, at 8.30 in the morning, does feel good. Cheery 'good mornings' are exchanged when passing others by and it's not yet too hot. It's the beginning of my freedom and I feel liberated! Joshka is asleep by the time I get home, so I have 2 hours to 'blog' or work or... READ THE NEWSPAPER! With a cup of coffee. And I don't have to rush anything. I can actually savour the taste! Not just get-it-down-before-it's-knocked-over or sampled by a curious little person.

Of course, this is Monday to Wednesday. It'll be interesting to see if I can keep it up Thursday to Sunday.


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