Tuesday, January 09, 2007


We had this great plan...Ben took annual leave...he sacrificed playing in THE Touch Rugby tournament that was held last weekend...We were going to 'the island': a magical place all Ben's family have talked and talked about - how they went there every summer and lived off the fish and crayfish they caught. Stories abound about this legendary, privately owned, uninhabited little island. When I first heard about it, it was a goal to get myself over there! Of course, I had no children then, just myself to think of...Anyway, we had this plan to go there this week. I was wondering about the logistics of having a 2 year old and a nine month old, but Ben's parents have been going since their children were teeny, so they assured me it would be fine. The last thing we did in England was to buy 2 tents, specifically for an island adventure - not just any tents mind, these are special '2 second tents'. You throw them in the air and by the time they've landed on the ground they're all set up, ready for the pegs...taking all of 2 seconds. We've been waiting to impress! But alas, alack...there seems to be a hurricane of sorts approaching. I didn't believe it. In any case, 'huuricane' or not, the weather forecast is all about rain and wind for the next week, so we've abandoned our island holiday. And now, I guess, we have some free time to fix the rest of the house? Put up some pictures? Bake a cake? Hmmm.


At 9:18 am, January 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

another attempt at getting a comment on your blogspot - how's the cake baking coming along?

At 12:19 pm, January 13, 2007, Blogger linda said...

well, yes, we baked a cake, but admittedly it was one from a packet - just add an egg and some milk. Perfect for a quick fix on a rainy day. And I'm sure it still counts in the eyes of a 2 year old: a cake is a cake, and I baked it!


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