Monday, December 04, 2006

Note to self

Unlike the beach house or the parents-in-law's house, when you sit on the toilet in this house, you should close the door.

I keep forgetting and find myself looking out onto the street! (Looking down the passage and out of the study). Oh, the joys of suburbia. In any case, once we have the proper curtains up, it might not be as much of an issue. Curtains, paint, cupboards, lawnmowers – these are some of the things we still need, BUT, I feel I need to point this out, we DO have a dishwasher! I never expected to have one, ever. And I can only assume, had it not come with the house, I probably never would have. But look out! I have arrived!

And I have been continuing on the gardening front, with my weeding. After breaking the weeding knife in my attempts to rid the in-laws garden of broadleaf weeds, I bought a little weed thingy (red, because red goes faster) and have taken the odd moment, with the children, to weed our front lawn. Mia pretends to be a dog, walking on all fours with her shoes on her hands, and goes woof! woof! to let me know there are cars coming. And to tell me that Josh is crawling into her ‘kennel’. She can climb up a tree but is still a total wimp when it comes to climbing down. I just let her stay up there (it’s really not high) because then a) I know where she is and b) I can listen to her prattling on about Pooh bear who’s come to visit with Christa Robin and c) she’s not terrorising her brother-who is usually knawing on stones, or frothing over a leaf. Or pulling himself up on me. It’s a good little break from being inside. And I have discovered we have (at least) three different types of weed, so that when one is a vigourous weeder, there isn’t much real grass left.

Mia went off to Montessori today and was happily playing with playdough when I waved goodbye. Joshka is asleep and Ben is painting the hall. I should be working. Or clearing up. Or folding flat more boxes. There are a heap of things I should or could be doing.


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