Tuesday, November 21, 2006

soon soon

It was great to be met by a very excited and animated Mia when I returned from a days painting...She ran to the top of the steps when she heard the dog bark and squealed with delight..."Mommy's home!!". "Hi Mia!". "No, I'm NODDY!"..."Oh, hi Noddy!"
Then Ben's mum came up carrying Joshka on her hip. "Hello my big boy!" "NO! Thats MR PLOD!" "Oh, right, hello Mr. Plod!" A big smile for his favourite-person-in-all-the-world-right-now - yes, that's me.
So I was led inside by Mia, I mean, Noddy, and Big Ears and Mr. Plod. Apparently I was Tessie Bear. Hmm.

It's all systems go at the house: carpet's going to be cleaned on Friday, fridge, washing machine and dryer arrive Friday, KINGSIZE bed on Saturday (!!) and I'm going to try and get my SA boxes delivered on Monday. In the meantime Ben's frantically painting and we're debating light fittings and curtains.


At 11:12 pm, November 21, 2006, Blogger linda said...

not interested. leave me alone.


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