Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Today Mia blew a small leaf out of her nose.

I've reconfigured the settings on this blog so that it reflects the correct time of publishing. I was on L.A. time, not N.Z. time. So, while I was most probably awake at 1.32am patting Joshka back to sleep or picking Mia up off the floor after she rolled out of bed, or recovering some wayward duvet, I was definitely not sitting in front of the computer reminiscing about the day just gone.

I'm quite excited about the next step in our house...we (I) have chosen (we've agreed) the paint for the inside of our house. Finally I'm starting to feel the excitement of doing up one's own place. It'll be great to have the painting all done (I think we can start this weekend) so we can finally bring in everything that's waiting in the wings: fridge, washing machine, dryer, IMAC, bed and mattress (joy to have our own bed after all these years!), some furniture, and the stuff my Mom sent over from Cape Town. (Can't wait to have all my old photographs and THINGS in one place again - near me.)


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