Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I'm a white whaka

Did you miss me? It's been an eventful 2 weeks.
The wedding was just fabulous - a visual treat. Such a pity Mia fell the next day and bashed her front teeth. Her gums were bleeding for a long time. The dentist took x-rays and it was touch and go whether she'd be able to keep them, but we had to wait and see...and feed her soft meals. She has been a brave little girl, but after developing a fever last night of 40*C+ we took her to be reassessed: on antibiotics and will have the one tooth removed (hopefully not the others too) on Monday.

Maybe it is worse for the parents? I am devastated for my little girl.

On a bit of a made me think of my brother who does Alfred E, Newman impressions with his false tooth - also had many tooth bashings...and who became a father on that very same day. Congratulations John and Claire on my little nephew!

Joshka is proudly and gleefully showing off his walking skills - 22 steps yesterday. Lost count today. Pretty much the same as Mia who was confidently walking by her 1st birthday. Clever little boy.

What else? I tried netball. After many years. I was naturally annoyed when my calf muscle went 'PING!' before I'd even touched a ball. Drove myself to hospital and came home with a crutch, and spent the next day hobbling about with my 2 children. Interesting.

I gave it another go this week and made it into the last of 5 teams! Ha ha ha. It's fine, they've been trialing for 3 weeks and I only made it to the last one, so I wasn't expecting much else - it'll be good to ease back into it. I hope.

A quick lesson in Maori (I know very little): 'wh' is a 'f' sound...but occasionally, I guess because of the English influence, some people pronounce it 'w'. Anyhow, it's all very amusing in my head because I play for the netball team 'Whaka Whites' and I can't help but chant (in my head): 'GO WHITE WHAKAS!'or alternatively: 'GO WHAKA WHITES!'. Juvenile I know, but I need a quirky reason to smile sometimes.


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