Thursday, February 15, 2007

burning down the house

Mia in the garden. The house next door (behind that fence) is going to be BURNED down on the 22nd February (they're going ahead with it!). Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) our property boundary is slightly incorrect so they will redo it and put up a new 2m wooden fence up (all the way to the road). There's a kind of a box against that wall, so we're in the process of pulling it down, replanting the plants that were in it, getting rid of the rubble within it, and redistributing the soil. Some of the garden was paved (Mia standing on some) which we've lifted (see behind her) to find a place for the extra soil. It'll be nice to have grass there instead.

Joshka in action on the tennis court (at the in-laws- no, we don't have a tennis court in our back garden!). We no longer have to weight down the trolley with blocks and books, he is managing to keep up with it quite nicely.


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