Friday, February 09, 2007


An update on the little boy.

Any day now little Boshk is going to take his first step. I've stood him up (and let go) and counted to 8 before he sat down...He's been pulling himself up on everything for more than 3 months now, and is getting more and more confident. The little wooden cart/trolley he got for Christmas is a favourite now. It's great to be surprised by a little Joshka walking past our line of vision behind a trolley which seems to be moving a little too fast... In the beginning he could only do straight lines before crashing and moaning/whining/crying to get someone to move trolley so he can walk again. But now he can turn and steer a bit. We think he'll surf/skate/waterski/snowboard/wakeboard left foot forward, based on the big turns he pulls at the moment.

Unfortunately he does use his teeth for more than just eating. Four sharp little teeth on the top and four on the bottom - nifty self defence tools against robust older sisters, or innocent mothers and fathers who make good obstacle courses. It can be very nerve wracking...

I need to apply for a passport (or 2) for Josh, but have been stalling because I have to fill in on the forms what colour his eyes are... a small dilemma. They're really hard to describe in one colour! The outside of the iris is a dark blue, and the inside goes from green to brown (amber?)(honey?). I remember Mia's changing from a saphire blue (dark) to the sky blue she has now, and was hoping that by now I could tell what his were going to do. I doubt anyone would believe me, or process the applicaton if I fill in BLUE GREEN BROWN, under 'eye colour'. I noticed today that the greeny blue seems to be disolving the brown somewhat. I'll wait a little longer.

After spending the day with Mia today, leaving Ben and Joshka at home, what a wonderful response I got when we returned home! Little Joshk was DELIGHTED to see both Mia and myself and I enjoyed a full-on cling hug. His cheek pressed against mine as he grinned in Ben's direction and pulled me closer- true love! And he can definitely say 'mama' now. Awesome.

He's also discovered his willy in the bath. Who needs bath toys?


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