Friday, February 23, 2007

never a dull moment

Where to start? It's been a busy old week! Mia turned 3, Joshka started walking, Ben stopped to assist when a car went off the road, we had a visit from friends from Slovenia and the house next door was burned down.

MIA TURNS 3: I busied myself trying out recipes like chocolate chip cookies (burnt), banana loaf (forgot the vanilla essence) and my new favourite: chocolate brownies (a bit burnt on the bottom). After deliberating about it, I've established that if I move my baking up one shelf in the oven, it won't be prone to burning. Anyhow, I thought it was a gallant attempt at being a 'real' mom and it kept me busy and focused. Luckily Ben's mum made a suitably pink cake to mark the occasion...we all delighted in it's 'cringe factor'! It was a classic!

The day Mia turned 3, she woke up on the wrong side of (my) bed and was decidedly otherwise and generally undeserving of the heap of presents presented to her. No, that's a bit harsh...I guess we're just used to her being FABULOUS! I don't think she had the best nights sleep. The 'Heffalump' DVD present helped for a while, until, of course, it came to switching it off.The next day, however, she was back to her good self and a lovely little girl who enthused about all the presents (books, books, books) she received from everyone present at her birthday party at Ben's parent's place. Luckily there were lots of people willing to 'read it!'. After a bit of careful equipment adjustment, she was happy to cycle around the tennis court on her new BICYCLE (complete with shiny streamers coming out of the handle bars) which the lucky girl received from her proud parents. We just couldn't buy a pink one, I'm's light blue and purple...Josh could possibly have a go on it one day, but it's got fairies on it...

JOSH WALKS: Admittedly, he's not exactly striding across the room, but now that he can stand by himself for a bit, he's attempting a few steps before plunging into my arms. Or just plunging. It all kicked off the day he turned 11 months, which incidently is the day next door was burned down.


At 4:26 am, April 05, 2018, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That cake is divine!!! Mia must have loved it. I didn’t know Joshka was an early walker! I must ask you about the smoke from the burning house, and the ash... no fun!


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