Saturday, August 02, 2008


Again I'm listening to my little boy cough and cough and cough...I've tried all the fixes, even tried falling asleep next to him. Honey, Vicks, water, propped up mattress...fall asleep my boy! I am considering going to bed now, just to catch up on lost sleep over the last week with a sick boy and now, a sick girl too. Last night Mia had a temperature as well so I was up getting her some medication in the small hours of the night. It was a full bed this morning, but a crappy night's sleep for all. Ben came home at 7am after a hectic night at work and just wanted to fall asleep as fast as he could - I've seldom seen him so grumpy! Everyone UP and OUT!

I'm at a loss. I just don't know what to do about the children - both are coughing and awake and miserable. I even tried reiki, seemed to work for a bit, but I can't do both children at the same time!

There's a storm shaking the house and rain falling on the roof and all I want to do is climb into bed and fall asleep. I can't. Not listening to these two children coughing and whimpering. It must be so sore already... Please, just please fall asleep!


At 5:22 am, August 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please try that home made remedy that ouma gave us.
1 raw egg
equal part honey
equal part flax oil
Not only does it taste good, it brings instant relief.
Please try it. Otherwise consult a doctor. No cough mixture seems to work.
I am so sorry for all of you. What a shame.
Am sending healing vibes.


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