Thursday, July 17, 2008


Speaking of my girlfriends... I just had a long Instant Messaging conversation with one of my best friends. What a relief! How great to just throw down my thoughts as they spill out of my brain and literally laugh out loud as I sit here in front of my computer. It was a bit stop-start at first (what with the time difference and us both getting phone calls inbetween) but once we got into the swing of things, it was hard to tear myself away.

I'm finding it increasingly harder and harder IN GENERAL to get away from my computer these days. It seems only fair I should write something here in that case...since I spend so much time escaping my immediate surroundings. It's not that I don't want to be where I am, I'm just finding it so INTERESTING. It's so fascinating to be talking to people I haven't seen or heard from in 10 or 20 years. They're out there, and online, and not as shy as they are in 'real' life when it comes to typing something to say...some witty comment or some random statement. It's flattering too because, like I said, these people haven't seen or heard from me in 10 or 20 years, so in their heads I am younger, fitter, with longer, lighter, sun kissed hair and a great tan. A great platform to begin from!

In reality I am finding it hard to focus on what has to be done, what needs to be done and what should be done. I vary from day to day in my performance... but have made a real effort in the last week to GET OVER IT and concentrate on the here and now!

As I said to my mom once when I was much younger, "I want to be good now". I want to be able to leave my computer for hours at a time...I want to be able to get a good chunk of work done without checking for friend's status updates every so often. I want to get physical - do some gardening, or paint the house, or bounce on the trampoline with my kids... I will! I MUST! I must not become consumed, addicted! I must break free!

No, I just have to be smart about it. Just give myself an allotted time...just a little bit here and there. Everything in moderation.


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