Saturday, April 26, 2008

Not so

Did I say "under control"? Yes, I suppose it was, for a while. Until Joshka decided to join in the fun and games. I was hotfooting it between my two children, rinsing and returning the bowl to one or the other, changing foul nappies quickly in between. Running a hot bath for Mia after she woke up vomiting and messing her pants while still in bed. Sometimes a bath is better than trying to clean it all up with wipes. But there I was literally running between my two children, trying to contain all that was being thrown my way. And 2 loads of washing too. (Yes, it's raining and the forecast is miserable for tomorrow too, and I have no more space on my inside washing line!). After Josh started vomiting his lunch all over the couch, I knew I had lost the advantage and was crumbling under the pressure! Josh in the bath, content for now, but Mia vomiting again...retching, really. There's nothing else IN there to vomit.
Thank goodness Ben is back from work to catch, clean and console with me. He is currently convincing Joshka to go to bed. We've had one false start with Mia already.
I hope it passes quickly. Joshka has already had the runs and has already been sick a day ago. We thought he was on the mend. I expected Mia to follow suit, but not that Joshka would start again! He only just started eating breakfast again this morning. "Bikbik" was demolished (Wheatbix).
But there he goes again. I'd better go and help.


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