bat poo
Today's the day, one year ago, that I got that phone call to let me know that Kyla had died. I remember being all snuggled up in bed with Mia while taking the call. All I said was "oh no... oh no..." and I had to explain to her what was wrong. It's hard to believe it was only one year ago - I feel (again) like time has warped. I can't believe it's already nearly June - going so fast, and yet, it seems like SO long ago.
My children are quite a delight at the moment and growing so fast. Josh is making a real effort to talk, but drops and swops his consonants all over the place so it takes a real leap of lateral thinking to figure out what he is trying to say. Luckily Mia is around to interpret most of the time! "Bear" = Mia. "Go" (like the beginning of "god") = Joshka and my favourite: "bat poo" = pesto. It's a laugh a minute with my boy! Mia is also keeping me smiling with her incredible logic and awareness; she's amazing. She is now enjoying one ballet class a week, and it's very endearing to watch. My poor girl can't quite get the skip going and tends to gallop around the room. It's really hard keeping in the giggles for my part, especially since all the parents have been told not to laugh, that their children all battled with the skipping initially and that they know they're not doing it quite right, so we shouldn't laugh... Of course I completely agree since I am still reluctant to speak Afrikaans in front of my mother for fear of what a redneck I must sound...I know it's a bit ridiculous, but in truth, I'd rather have a go in German, than sound like an English Afrikaaner! No guilt trip for my mom, it's just the way it is.