Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sweet thing

One of the nicest feelings in the world are warm, soft, little baby hands sliding over your cheeks to grab you behind the neck and pull you closer in a loving embrace, with your face in a warm, soft, sweet-smelling baby cheek.

It's morning nap time and I just put down a gorgeous little charmer of a boy, who has the most infectious grin and delightful giggle. He can be very affectionate at times and I just cherish the moment, because, let's face it, it's not going to last!

He willingly gives kisses to everybody just before bed time (at night) with a sweet little smile as he tries to keep his lips closed over his teeth - you can just see the grin trying to pop out. One for Mia (who isn't so fond of this game), one for Daddy, one for Mommy (and anyone else around) and then it's off to the bedroom. Of course then he realises it's all a big trick, because now, horror of horrors, it's sleep time! WAAAAAH. Protest, wriggle, moan...and then succumb to the gentle humming of 'Silent Night' (as started by Ben) to become warm and sleepy in my arms before being gently lowered into his cot and covered with a blanket or two. Then the wriggling about to get comfortable, grabbing ends of the blanket to chew on, rubbing the hands up and down on the sheet, and finally settling into a lovely deep sleep.

Much like his sister, Josh tends to wriggle up out of the blankets until his head hits the top of the cot, which is where he'll stop, leaving behind his blankets. During the night, if he starts wailing, it's usually because he's cold. Or sometimes too hot. Luckily he is quick to settle back down again and go back to sleep. This morning he only awoke at 7.15am - perfect. Mia has her body alarm set to 7am. A quick snuggle in our big bed for everybody and then all up for breakfast.

Having said that, have I now cast the commentator's curse? I hope not.


At 8:43 pm, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you write so well about the joyful things in life that REALLY matter in the big scheme of things, but I wonder, wendy, wanda where your children get that "kicking off the blanket" syndrome from? heh-heh-heh


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