Friday, October 27, 2006

Logic at age 2 and a half.

Mia: “ Is your name Linda?”
Me: “Yes it is!”
Mia: “I call you mummy.”
Me: “Do you know what Daddy’s name is?”
Mia: “Daddy!!”
Me: “What do I call him?”
Mia: “Boss.”

Mia: “The cows are eating the grass!”
Me: “Yes they are, just like the sheep – they eat grass too…”
Mia: “The cows make milk…These cows make milk for us!”
Me: “Yes, they do.”
Mia: “They turn grass into milk. Cows turn grass into milk.”

Perfect. I’m so proud of my logical little girl!

While picking wild flowers next to the drive today, Mia ventured into some longer grass and was heard to say: “ Oh! Now my knees can’t see!”

It keeps a smile on my face.

Mia is obsessed with Winnie-the-pooh at the moment (has been for the last 10 months!) and forces us to read and re-read the stories to her. When we’re lucky she’ll ‘read’ to us. It’s wonderful to hear her recite so much of the story and to use such big words. She’s really getting the hang of some biggies. At dinner I was asked: “ Do you mind if I use a big fork, mummy? Because I’m a big girl.” She is a big girl now, It’s amazing how much she’s grown and how huge her vocabulary is. She has such a good memory and seems to be quite musical too…she can keep a tune. She makes up her own words a lot but interestingly, even it is gobbledygook, she’ll rhyme it quite well.

Some words she still gets wrong (with NO help from me to correct her!):
Ephalent = Elephant
Pate = Tape
Booful = Beautiful
For a long time milk was “nulk” but that seems to be disappearing.
Interestingly words like rhinoceros, hippopotamus, dinosaur cause no problems.

I have never called Ben ‘Boss’ before. No idea where that came from!


At 10:39 pm, November 02, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

She's lovely!

At 6:55 am, March 24, 2018, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Boss Man! That so funny. I wonder if it was simply because Ben is taller and has a deeper voice. Maybe patriarchy could have been nipped in the bud eons ago if only moms had spoken gruffly... haha. Also, it seems Mia’s super-early abilities with language were a foreshadowing to her growing to plow through book after book like she does. I remember visiting you years ago; we spent the night and awoke to her reading to us—she was five maybe? So cool to read all this years later. Your blog is like little bread crumbs leading to the future.


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